Course & Training by





In this intensive two-day risk based audit training you’ll see for yourself why audit functions that focus their efforts on significant risks are able to concentrate their resources on issues that drive their businesses. You will gain an understanding of what is necessary to make your audit function totally risk based; learn tools, techniques and methodologies that will boost auditor productivity and bullet-proof’ audit plans; and discover how to convert the entire audit process to a risk-based approach that will take you from planning all the way through to report writing. Throughout the seminar class exercises will allow you to hone your risk-based auditing skills. You’ll leave this session with a specific understanding of what is necessary to be risk-based and how to implement this approach.



You will get knowledge, understanding and training in the following issues:

Audit program for risk-based audit

The advantages of risk-based auditing to you and your organization

Conducting a risk inventory

Determining probabilities and impacts

Defining the risk responses

Strategically cascading risk ownership

Fundamentally issues of how risk will be assessed

Understanding the meaning of true business risk and it’s impact on the audit function

Understanding how business risk should drive the audit function

Defining the skill sets and competencies required under a risk-based approach

Strategies for educating your auditors in risk-based approaches

Redefing the audit process for a riskbased function



Target group

All auditors and QSE specialists with interest for Risk approach and new innovative audit inputs.

A basic knowledge of internal auditing will be an advantage, but all managers should have interest for this important tools.


Who Should Attend?

- Chief Audit Executives and Audit Directors

- Senior and Lead Internal Auditors

- Other Senior managers with an interest in risk and the Internal Audit plan

- Non Executive Directors

- Audit Managers and staff who will be involved in carrying out RBIA audit assignments



Time and location

14th-15th of march 2019 in Horsens

16th – 17th of may 2019 in Copenhagen

22nd – 23rd  of august 2019 in Odense



Danish and the trainer will be Risk Based Auditor Anders Kofod


Price per person

2 Days training 9.000 dkk including training material and accommodation. The delegates have to organize and pay hotel by them selves, we can recommend.

This training can easily be conducted in your own company. You will have 30 % discount if you have 5 or more participants.

For registration write course, time and location in message field under CONTACT